7-Day Trial for 1€

Then 20€/month

Your smart assistant everywhere at anytime
Discover the power of Chatbot, directly integrated in your favorite messaging apps.
  • Integrated on WhatsApp and Telegram
  • ​250 Monthly Messages

Cancel Anytime, No Commitment

If you are not satisfied with our service, you can cancel your subscription immediately and free of charge by sending an e-mail to the following address: contact@ai-messenger.chat

Secure Payment with Stripe

Every order is processed through a secure 256-bit encrypted payment gateway to ensure your privacy and the security of your information.

Basic Plan

Apple or Android Pay will Display here when available.
Full Name:
Email Address:
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Plan Total Due Today
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
I certify that I have read and understood the general terms and conditions of sale concerning the use of the service. I confirm that my subscription will start at the end of the trial period.

By confirming your subscription, you authorize WEB MEDIA EVENT LTD to debit your account of 20.00€ each month, at the end of the 7-day trial period, in accordance with the AI MESSENGER CHAT terms of use. You can cancel your subscription at any time by contacting our customer service department at contact@ai-messenger.chat

Have Questions?

We’re Here to Help Every Step of the Way!

If you have any questions about your subscription or the payment process, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at
contact@ai-messenger.chat Our friendly support team is ready to assist you quickly and efficiently!
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